In this unit I learned how not to make a bad site and how to make a site. I also
I learned that it is hard for people with disabilities to look at most sites. I also learned
color theory and what and how to use hexadecimal color. the last thing I learned was how
to organize my website.
Unit 2: What is html?
Html stands for hyper text markup language. It is used for making web pages. html also helps
you navigate the internet and help with the storage function in the browser. html is important
because it provides a structure for web pages that allows browsers to understand.
Unit 3: Accessible Design
Accessible design is to make things easier for everyone including people with disabilities.
You can do that by provide clear and consistent navigation options and not just using color
alone to convey information. You could also add audio, braille, large print, tactile graphics,
and digital text to help people.
Unit 4: How to make Video
There are multiply things you need to do to make a video. Like you have to have b-roll.
b-roll is all of the footage that isn't the main action. You also need a script to have
Unit 5: CSS
CSS is basically adding style to your web site. like adding color to text or adding box's
around words and headers. There is also two diffrent things in CSS, Class and ID. ID is
is specific to a single element, classes can be assigned to multiple elements on a page or
throughout the website.
Unit 6: Web Graphics
Web graphics is just photos, banners, and anything visional. It can make things neat and
more appealing to users. It can also make things more beautiful like adding photos of
flowers or even adding a big banner for everyone to see.
Unit 7: Java Scripting
Javascript is can create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images,
and pretty much everything else. It also makes coding a lot easier. You can style your
page without having to switch over to your style sheet. Javascript works a bit differently
then other pages, it has an interpreter in the browser that reads over the JavaScript code
and interprets each line and then runs it.